Here's a few simple tips on how to listen to the new Oceansize album "Self Preserved While The Bodies Float Up".
Firstly, the inaugural play of the album has to be uninterrupted and in its entirety. None of this listening to three tracks and buggering off to post something inane on Facebook. In this case you will need the best part of an hour. If you're like me, recently redundant, this should not be a problem.
With a band like Oceansize you're never going to get anywhere near appreciating all the layers for a good few months. Indeed, the first play of any album is invariably disappointing but you gotta go through it. SPWTBFU kicks off with probably the heaviest track Oceansize have ever done, track four has some gorgeous strings, but track 7 "Silent/Transparent" is the one you can't wait to play again.
With the first play done and dusted we now consider the other ways of listening to the album, and that doesn't mean simply playing it a lot, which goes without saying.
Listening to it on headphones
This is a good way of getting into the quieter tracks. "Ransoms" and "A Penny's Weight" begin to make their mark. "Silent/Transparent" continues to enchant.
Listening to it in the car
Cocooned in your vehicle you can crank it up and scream along to the noisy bits. "Silent/Transparent" also benefits from said cranking.
Listening to it in the background
Whereby you wander in and out of the room, and so you hear different bits out of context as it were. The strings at the end of "Oscar Acceptance Speech" really start to grab you and track 9 "Pine" suddenly comes to life.
Listening to it quietly
Its not de rigeur to listen to rock and metal albums with the volume down but you'd be surprised what this can highlight. The skill of Metallica's song-writing or the incredible dynamics of Opeth, for example. Honest. With this new Oceansize album I find the noisy but nicely-crafted second and third tracks beginning to register.
Okay, there's some handy hints on how to fully appreciate the new Oceansize album "Self Preserved While The Bodies Float Up". I can't stop you applying the same technique to whatever album you like. Even Pixie Lott. Although what the fuck you're listening to Pixie Lott for when you should be listening to Oceansize I don't know.
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